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Good Move

Like I say on my "About Me" page, this industry desperately needs some integrity.  Growing up in a NAVY family, we moved a lot, and the most passionate stories my Southern Baptist parents told were of dishonest movers who scammed and stole from my family.  I knew I could do well in the industry just being a good guy.

Then, by doing things differently, UniMove is cheaper, faster, safer, and just better.


Before I explain how UniMove is better, take a minute to see these shocking statistics compiled by MOVE.ORG   supporting my claims about other "Moving Companies."

Now, let's look at your options.

Lady's facial reaction to expensive Fool Service Quote

Big Corporate Movers' prices are crazy!  You're literally paying for office buildings, huge warehouses, fleets of big rigs, forklifts, and hierarchies of Admin (w/ obscene paychecks), and infamous corporate greed.  They shuffle your stuff from your house to Truck 1, to a Warehouse, then Truck 2 (18-wheeler), probably Warehouse 2, and Truck 3.  This process is expensive, super S L O W,  and creates exponentially greater chance for damage or loss. The guys handling your stuff are often under-paid, exploited, and don't give a $#!+ about your stuff.  To think THIS is the way all the big companies do it is insane.  The good news found UniMove.

Jalopy Moving Truck with all your stuff strapped to the sky.
A screenshot of my competition's high prices

Brokers - Most people advertising as a Moving Company are actually just Brokers,  middle-men who take 30% for doing little more than sub-contracting your job to the cheapest guys. 

Cheap Guys - Sadly, with this industry being so cut-throat, the only way many movers and brokers can win a contract is the low quote scam.  According to, 40% of customers felt scammed in this way.  They say all the right things and give you an incredibly (un-credible) low quote... There's just one problem: They have NO intention of honoring that price.  The rule of thumb for these scammers is they usually double it. They know two things: First, hidden in their fine print are intentionally vague and confusing terms that negate or supersede their verbal promises.  Second, they know from experience that after you've signed their contract and paid a large deposit, they can get your belongings on their truck, double their price, and after all their rage and tears, most people will realize they got screwed and pay the extortion. If you refuse, or can't afford it, they will hold your stuff hostage and add exorbitant storage fees until you pay. If you're lucky enough to dodge this type of scammer, another big problem is that many brokers get your stuff into a warehouse then start trying to find a subcontractor cheap enough. People call and tell me their "mover" (broker) took their stuff 30 days ago, but is now telling them he can't find anyone to finish the job.  This means he can't find anyone to do it cheap enough to where he makes a profit.  When he does, it will  be one of these outfits I call  "Sanford and Subs" type of Mover rigs running the interstates.  Pray it doesn't rain.

Unimove gets calls/texts (see sidebar) regularly from people whose mover is following the scammers' playbook and doubling the price on moving day; sometimes someone for whom I wrote a Proposal - "Sorry Bobby, we signed with a company who 'beat your price' by a few hundred, but now they are demanding double.  Can you help?"​  Don't fall victim to these crooks.  Support Honest small-business.  Support UniMove. 

PODS / UBox -  PODS earns horrible ratings on BBB and Yelp.  1.13 out of 5 Stars from customers.   But it gets worse. They pay sites who are part of a burgeoning industry of FAKE or deceptive online reviews whose ranking is 100% bought and paid for. Even formerly reputable organizations like Forbes, Newsweek, and US News all rank, award, or write "feature" articles which are paid-for puff-pieces.  The fact PODS pays for fake rankings to obfuscate their real customers' experiences should be ALL YOU NEED to know.  Tricky.  I don't have thousands of reviews, but i swear on my life every single one of my reviews is real. Call my references.

Ubox?  U-Haul has them pulled cross-country by amateurs who happened to rent a U-Haul truck and who probably have very little experience driving a Moving Truck.  It's a good thing amateurs don't crash rental trucks every single day...oh wait, they do.


Doing-it-Yourself sounds good at first; You are the most trustworthy, cost-effective person to pack your boxes and carry them to the truck, but... 1) Are you sure you can really drive a loaded moving truck (and optional trailer) through gas stations cross-country? 2) Can you pack the truck for max usage of space and damage prevention?  3) Can your body handle both?  And the most important question... 4) Do you really need to?  (the answer is "No.")


Sorry it seems sensational; I'm just giving you facts: DIYers  wreck rental trucks every... single... day.    See These.  Consider the exhaustion and stress from weeks of prepping... Consider the day after day   l  o  n  g   boring drive. Consider the distractions, phone calls, kids, pets, traffic... Consider your valuables, your health, your financial liability.  It is a recipe for disaster.

UniMove offers a better option:

  • About half price of big corporations, and only slightly more than trying to DIY.

  • We load once, and go straight to your new city. No off-loads. No warehouses.

  • Unimove honors the Contract. No scams. No hidden fees.

UniMove can (optionally) come a day or two early to pack, then load the truck with either your team (saving you money) or ours, we drive directly to your new city, help team two unload, and we fly home.  Easy and efficient.  When little challenges arise, we prefer to exceed expectations rather than nickel and dime you.  Our reviews attest to this. 

  • If there is a road to it, we will go anywhere in Continental 49 states (including Alaska).  Many companies won't go off the beaten path, or charge a huge premium to do so.

  • Most moving options take 10-20 days to get across country as detailed above.

  • Every time your stuff is moved, chances of damage or loss increase.

  • While your stuff inchworms across America, you burn money at hotels and restaurants,  you crash at relatives', or camp in an empty house.

  • Corporate bureaucracy and greed is the antithesis to personal service.  You hear it in their voices and in their policies.  They don't really care, or worse, they really don't care.

​UniMOVE.US is the business name for Acumen Driving Specialists, LLC, incorporated in Los Angeles. UniMOVE has federally required $75,000 Fidelity Bond and Arbitration program through membership in US Movers Association.  My DMV and criminal records are spotless, and my contract price will not increase (as long as you are ready and everything is as you said).  I'm NOT a Broker who subs-out your job to a guy who gets your stuff on his truck then doubles the price.  Ask all these guarantees from other movers and listen for awkward pauses or shifty jibber-jabber.  Demand documentation.  UniMove's is here.

​You probably still have questions.  Call or Email Today.  Video Calls preferred.  I use Android phone. Apple users must video call using WhatsApp, Facebook, or Google Meet.

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